Monday, October 26, 2009

Madame Bovary

Since awhile I hadn't post something here... and here is my last "1 day" work...
It is color sketch placed on a little village called Yonville, where Emma Bovary has made her life a world of desire and illusions. On the back part is the Rouen city, the life she wanted. There is Mr. Leon waiting for Her... Madame Bovary, a very good book.

It was made on Adobe Photoshop and it needs some work on saturations, but for now, done...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sketching quick studies

Since a while I haven't post anything... so here am I.
My vacations were finished about a month ago, and on the other hand, the projects that I had been working on, are on the story stage and storyboarding, so nothing cool to show yet.

A couple of days ago, I was in the subway, The BART, drawing people while transport. When a bunch of revolutionary womens got inside the train car. They were going to a convention near here or so.
I was so happy drawing these women, their guns and clothes that i lost my station. Anyway here are some pages.
