Tuesday, October 3, 2000

High school work, my first pro vfx hehhe

Many years ago in high school me and a friend Andres Varela had to make an tv spot for the media class. We spouse to use just a handy cam and shot something rational and give an idea to the audience. Our story was about property and life, responsibility, parents and the huge work it means.
The brief was: A man wait in the bus stop and find a piece of wire. Take the ware, look at it and he starts to give it same shape. He create a little stick figure made from the wire. Then suddenly the bus arrives and he drop the little wire figure and takes the bus. Then the figure brings to life, stand up and run desperately following the bus. At the end tired and frustrated the figure stops and someone walks over it killing. At the end the message:
"What you created it's your responsibility, take care of it!"