Sunday, December 14, 2008

Blade Runner: Dr. Tyrell

Under the same principles of evolution in a retro style is the third character, Dr. Eldon Tyrell, the genius behind the Genetic Engineering.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

4 hours drawing

Here is the latest work. 4 hours drawing with charcoal in my studio.
I like it.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Digital Painting: Character Concept 2

At the same scenario, here is Rachel. Designed to be side of Deckard and a mix between these fiction future and a retro style.To the extent exaggerated and ingenuity of the feminine, mysterious and subtle movements.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Digital Painting: Character Concept

In a distant fiction future, this character is a hunter "Bade runner" equipped with enough technology to perform a good job that requires both physical dexterity and technology.
The character was designed under the ideas of human evolution, with proporsiones exaggerated in his arms and legs, a large head and a skeleton body.
The design of the suit is agile, lightweight, safe and simple. Assuming within this: connectivity, communication, and tools such as the recording of images, sound capture, location and everything you want...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Warm and Cool Light Studies

This was a little study on the effects on cold and warm lights over different colors.
As a general rule:

Cool light creates warm shadows,
makes cool colors become more vibrant
and warm colors more muted.

Warm light creates cool shadows,
makes warm colors become more vibrant
and cool colors more muted.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Self Portraits in Charcoal

For the figure studio class at the Academy we had two assignments, Self Portraits... with the first one I enjoy trying to get details and a good work...
and even play with colors in photoshop...

but with the second one... too much me. I didn't like it.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Video Game

Just a simple game with a webcam and thousands of hours training!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Demo reel - Mundos & DAf

A simple cut showing most of the works where I worked during 2007 and fisrt half 2008.
Most works are from DAf and Mundos Project.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Maya MEL Script - Random modifier

It helps to transform each of the selected object in a random position, rotation or scale. It can be use in an absolute or a relative transformation.

window -w 500 -h 700 -title "Objetos al azar" Azar1;
columnLayout -cal "left" -columnAttach "left" 5 -rowSpacing 5 -columnWidth 500;
text -l "1: Seleccionar los objetos que se quieren modificar al azar...";
text -l "2: Seleccionar le tipo de azar a aplicar.";
optionMenu -l "Aplicar azar " tipo;
menuItem -label "Relativo";
menuItem -label "Absoluto";
text -l "3: Agregar los valores MIN y MAX a modificar,\nValores 0 en los MAX no los modifica.";
text -l "Translate XYZ";
rowLayout -nc 3;
floatField -w 80 -value 0.0 mintx;
floatField -w 80 -value 0.0 minty;
floatField -w 80 -value 0.0 mintz;
setParent ..;
rowLayout -nc 3;
floatField -w 80 -value 0.0 maxtx;
floatField -w 80 -value 0.0 maxty;
floatField -w 80 -value 0.0 maxtz;
setParent ..;
text -l "Rotate XYZ";
rowLayout -nc 3;
floatField -w 80 -value 0.0 minrx;
floatField -w 80 -value 0.0 minry;
floatField -w 80 -value 0.0 minrz;
setParent ..;
rowLayout -nc 3;
floatField -w 80 -value 0.0 maxrx;
floatField -w 80 -value 0.0 maxry;
floatField -w 80 -value 0.0 maxrz;
setParent ..;
text -l "Scale XYZ";
checkBox -label "Mantener Proporciones (Valores de X)" -align "left" prop;
rowLayout -nc 3;
floatField -w 80 -value 0.0 minsx;
floatField -w 80 -value 0.0 minsy;
floatField -w 80 -value 0.0 minsz;
setParent ..;
rowLayout -nc 3;
floatField -w 80 -value 0.0 maxsx;
floatField -w 80 -value 0.0 maxsy;
floatField -w 80 -value 0.0 maxsz;
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
columnLayout -columnAttach "both" 5 -columnWidth 500;
button -label "Aplicar" -command ("aplica()");
button -label "Close" -command ("deleteUI -window Azar1");
setParent ..;

// Secuencia
global proc aplica() {

float $mintx = `floatField -q -value "mintx"`;
float $minty = `floatField -q -value "minty"`;
float $mintz = `floatField -q -value "mintz"`;
float $maxtx = `floatField -q -value "maxtx"`;
float $maxty = `floatField -q -value "maxty"`;
float $maxtz = `floatField -q -value "maxtz"`;

float $minrx = `floatField -q -value "minrx"`;
float $minry = `floatField -q -value "minry"`;
float $minrz = `floatField -q -value "minrz"`;
float $maxrx = `floatField -q -value "maxrx"`;
float $maxry = `floatField -q -value "maxry"`;
float $maxrz = `floatField -q -value "maxrz"`;

float $minsx = `floatField -q -value "minsx"`;
float $minsy = `floatField -q -value "minsy"`;
float $minsz = `floatField -q -value "minsz"`;
float $maxsx = `floatField -q -value "maxsx"`;
float $maxsy = `floatField -q -value "maxsy"`;
float $maxsz = `floatField -q -value "maxsz"`;

int $tipo = `optionMenu -q -select tipo`; // 1 Rel 2 Abs
int $prop = `checkBox -q -value prop`; // SI 0 NO
string $selection[] = `ls -selection`;
int $a = size($selection);

if ($tipo == 1){
for( $i = 0; $i < $a; $i++ ){
if ($maxtx == 0 && $maxty == 0 && $maxtz == 0){} else { move -r (rand($mintx, $maxtx)) (rand($minty, $maxty)) (rand($mintz, $maxtz)) $selection[$i]; }
if ($maxrx == 0 && $maxry == 0 && $maxrz == 0){} else { rotate -r (rand($minrx, $maxrx)) (rand($minry, $maxry)) (rand($minrz, $maxrz)) $selection[$i]; }
if ($maxsx == 0 && $maxsy == 0 && $maxsz == 0){} else {
if ($prop == 0){ scale -r (rand($minsx, $maxsx)) (rand($minsy, $maxsy)) (rand($minsz, $maxsz)) $selection[$i]; } else { float $rand = rand($minsx, $maxsx); scale -r $rand $rand $rand $selection[$i]; }

if ($tipo == 2){
for( $i = 0; $i < $a; $i++ ){
if ($maxtx == 0 && $maxty == 0 && $maxtz == 0){} else { move (rand($mintx, $maxtx)) (rand($minty, $maxty)) (rand($mintz, $maxtz)) $selection[$i]; }
if ($maxrx == 0 && $maxry == 0 && $maxrz == 0){} else { rotate (rand($minrx, $maxrx)) (rand($minry, $maxry)) (rand($minrz, $maxrz)) $selection[$i]; }
if ($maxsx == 0 && $maxsy == 0 && $maxsz == 0){} else {
if ($prop == 0){ scale (rand($minsx, $maxsx)) (rand($minsy, $maxsy)) (rand($minsz, $maxsz)) $selection[$i]; } else { float $rand = rand($minsx, $maxsx); scale $rand $rand $rand $selection[$i]; }


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Maya MEL Script - Key Mover

Script that moves all de keys of each selected object an specific number of frames. It helps to create a sequence movements.

window -title "Desplazador de keys" Desplaza1;
columnLayout -columnAttach "both" 5 -rowSpacing 10 -columnWidth 250;
text -l "1. Selecciona los objetos a modificar.";
text -l "2. Cuanto se desplazan los keys";
intField -w 80 -value 1 -minValue 0 mueve;
button -label "Aplicar" -command ("aplica()");
button -label "Close" -command ("deleteUI -window Desplaza1");

// Secuencia de Cerecer
global proc aplica() {
string $selection[] = `ls -selection`;
int $a = size($selection);
int $mueve = `intField -q -value "mueve"`;
for( $i = 0; $i < $a; $i++ ){ select ($selection[$i]); selectKey -clear; selectKey; keyframe -e -iub true -r -o over -tc ($i * $mueve); }; };