Friday, March 30, 2007


Here is the Final Thesis of my design proyect "Mundos", it was the final review to graduate from the Design School and the whole process took like a year of my time.

In Brief Mundos is an animated TV serie of the adventures of Akine, a child from the tribe Selk'Nam from the times before Colon. This nomadic people constantly travel between the Patagonia islands, the southernmost land of the American continent.
Mysteriously some selknams had the possibility not only to travel in space, but also in time. Akine was one of them. His adventures in thouse travels to the future give Akine the knowledge to help his people with the arrival of the white man.

Here is the complete Thesis (In Spanish): (R)2007)
- Intoduccion e Indice
- Capitulo 1: Definicion del Proyecto
- Capitulo 2: La Industria
- Capitulo 3: Desarrollo Narrativo
- Capitulo 4: Desarrollo de Arte (Visual development)
- Capitulo 5: PreProduccion
- Capitulo 6: La Biblia
- Conclusiones y anexos.

- Resumen general

The printed version is at SIBUC Library:
- N de sistema [000468640]
- Mundos / / Nicolas Ariztia Lavin ; profesor guia Hugo Palmarola Sagredo.
- Santiago, Chile, 2007.
- 333 p. : : il. col.

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